Resources from the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability/Youth (NCWD/Youth)

The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth has many publications that  are designed to help transition aged youth plan their future.  Publications include, tip sheets, fact sheets, guides, reports and more.

These resources can be found at the  NCWD Publications page of the NCWD website.


The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) assists state and local workforce development systems to better serve all youth, including youth with disabilities and other disconnected youth. . . . NCWD/Youth offers a range of technical assistance services to state and local workforce investment boards, youth councils and other workforce development system youth programs.


WINAHEAD is made up of representatives from thirty institutions. Our members are professionals employed by two- and four-year colleges and universities who work directly with students with disabilities to ensure equal access to higher education. WIN indicates the geographic area we represent: Western Iowa and Nebraska. AHEAD is our national parent organization, the Association on Higher Education and Disability.